Home with Holly


Friday Roundup

Since I haven't posted for a while, and I have lots to say, I'll put it in one post today so you can read at your leisure (now, why when I "heard" that in my head as I was typing, did the word "leisure" sound like "lezzure" rather than "leazure"? Have I suddenly adopted Madonna's faux continental accent or something?) and then you'll be totally caught up on everything rather than 50 posts that you won't want to read. So, here goes:

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Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls: come see the Amazing Cave Baby as he pee pees and ocasionally does more in the potty!! See him whip off a diaper faster than the eye can see! Watch him scramble up on a Blues Clues potty seat with shocking dexterity! Marvel as he counts out squares of toilet paper!
Really, it hasn't been that exciting to anyone but me.

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Well, I now have my own small cottage biz AND I've also gone back to work in the outside world! I went into a major plus size retailer that I've worked for before on a whim Saturday night, and had a job inside of 5 minutes. Can I just say that I am truly a kick ass salesperson when it comes to something I love, such as clothes and makeup? So, here's what I do-I sell clothing to plus size women.
I have this faint vision of myself down the road as an image consultant for plus size women. I already have my plus size friends coming to see me for fashion advice and asking me to shop with them, so maybe it's not so farfetched.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Well, we have a family bed as I've told you before. Believe me, it wasn't intentional. I'm not an unshaven vegan extended breastfeeding kinda girl. Seriously not one of those. When I used cloth diapers it was purely for the cuteness factor. So, when Cave Baby sneakily wormed his way into our bed, well, it was different but a nice different. Besides, I like seeing him next to me sleeping with his long lashes and freckles scattered across his cheeks.

The dog-that's another matter entirely. He, like Cave Baby, can NOT sleep unless he's touching you. But, unlike Cave Baby, he wiggles and snuffles and scratches and farts and runs in his dreams. All right on top of my thigh. Is it any wonder I am waiting for my skin to turn green and a house to drop on my head?

posted by Keriann at 9/16/2005 08:45:00 AM comment(s) made: 1

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