Home with Holly


Please. I beg you

The holiday season is screaming towards us. Which means lots and lots of shopping!!!

Shopping for gifts

Shopping for holiday parties

Shopping because everything is on sale

When you're shopping at any store aside from Wal Mart or Old Navy, please take pity on the staff and bring them the clothing you decide not to buy. Let them put it away. If you would like a particular size of sweater, ask someone to get it for you. It's not as much fun as digging through them yourself, I know, but trust me-we will be loving you at 11 that night when we don't have to refold 117 sweaters that weren't the right size.

If you want a new bra, skirt, black pair of pants, jean jacket or whatever then just ASK US. We know these things better than the recipe for chocolate chip cookies. We would LOVE to find that perfect apparel item for you. We would be thrilled to bring you 2 or 3 of the close to perfect bra and take away the ones that you don't like. We are NOT thrilled to pick up and rehang the 32 bras you selected yourself and left on the floor of the fitting room.

We who are bastions of the fashion industry have families, favorite tv shows to watch, feet that hurt and beds we love. We would like to be remembered as your humble servants who half the day live to serve your lingerie fantasies and the other half the day to pay our children to rub our feet.

posted by Keriann at 11/09/2005 11:45:00 AM comment(s) made: 4

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