This a great site for me right now, between jobs and having some down time I've been looking around at my casa and deciding how much I want to redecorate. John and I are going back and forth on whether to sell next year (our house has appreciated almost 100k in 8 years) or to just sit tight and remodel to our hearts' content. Then I was nosing around the domino website and found Be Jane, an all female DIY site.
Now, this isn't your typical HGTV stuff, here they have Projects bymood-now you know you're on a site for women when you can find a project according to where you are in your menstrual cycle. I love it-although I can think of a few more moods to add, like "my husband is a dick" mood or "my kids keep making a mess with their koolaid popsicles" mood or "Dennis Quaid will never marry me" mood.
Check it out-lemme know if you find some project you like, maybe I'll steal it from ya.