Ok, so my young son has found something in common with the stellar nation of Germany. Namely David Hasselhoff, the singer. Yes, I know that most of us know him as either Mr. Knightrider with the cool Kitt car or as a slightly creepy lifeguard on Baywatch. Apparently though, we have missed the best part of Davey boy-his singing.
Since I found this on youtube, Jason has done nothing but sing "I'm hooked on a feewin" and begged for "david on da compooter". Somehow, now I've become strangely enchanted with the vocal stylings of Msr. Hasselhoff and now the peppy "Hooked on a feeling".
So, please, enjoy this rendition of an easy listening song with an ooga chukka beat and take special notice of the "white boy dancing" he entertains us with. Make sure to pay attention to the astounding graphics work and the twee alien that pops up from time to time for no apparent reason.
Maybe next week I'll share his latest "Jump in my car" which will make you want to wash your brain out with Clorox.