If you couldn't tell by my picture over there, I'm not deluged with offers to pose for any bikini mags. Now, while I'm overweight, I'm also cute as a button. I have some wicked curves and there's not a lot of flab on me, I'm pretty solid in the right places and soft in the perfect areas. In other words, my weight isn't holding me back in any areas-social, professional or medical.
Now I've just found out that I am eligible for either gastric bypass or lap band surgery. My insurance will cover it and well, I'm afraid that I'm caving in to the peer pressure. My good friends Vee and Kelly are both seriously considering going under the knife and they want me to round out the 3some.
Pros: Cute clothes at a much less expensive price.
I can ride the Hulk at Islands of Adventure without my breasts pressed into my spine.
Cons: A basic low carb diet for life.
1 ounce of food 3 times a day for months afterward.
Major surgery with general anesthesia (one of my phobias)
Gross loose skin after weight loss (it even happens when you lose weight the "right" way)
The possibility that it won't be the permanent solution and I'll regain all the weight.
I guess basically I'm not "desperate" enough to really want to lose the weight. I like the way I look (well, aside from PMS days), and I love to eat. It's not so much an emotional crutch as it is that the taste of a pound of butter friend in shortening with sour cream sauce on top. I wonder if I'll just be a cranky thin girl that wants to eat an entire taco at one time.
Feel free to post an opinion, just realize that any "get off your fat a** and go to the gym" comments will be deleted and your karma will be seriously dinged by the cosmos if you're that mean a person.