Home with Holly


I'm almost officially babyless

Cave Baby grew up. Somehow when I went to work I couldn't keep him babyish and snuggly. I now have a little boy.

No more diapers or pullups, now we have Incredibles and Elmo briefs.

He likes to wake up early and dress himself. Usually he goes for a monochromatic look such as the day he wore a crimson sweatshirt, a brick red pair of shorts, barn red socks and a rose colored hat.

He makes his needs known ie: walking downstairs to leave for school he said "I wanna see da Shrek show at Unibersal".

He demands "bezert" every night after dinner.

He thinks he needs to use deodorant just like THG does. And he doesn't want to share it, he needs his OWN.

If he doesn't get what he wants, he'll just get it himself. He asked PB for a hot dog with these specifications:

"Shoolby, I want TWOOO hot gogs, I don't wike ONE hot gog, I wike TWOO hot gogs. NO ketchup, but I wike buns."

PB gave him one hot dog. He didn't say anything, just went to the fridge, got a hot dog, got a plate from the dishwasher and put the hot dog on it and put it in the microwave. Push the start button and voila! my 3 year old is now feeding himself.

Pardon me while I go cry now.

posted by Keriann at 3/25/2006 10:19:00 AM comment(s) made: 1

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