
I realized that most of the people reading here probably have no clue who I'm talking about when I refer to CB1, PB or THG. Last year I had a blog that I dearly loved, but chaos reigned and I took it down. The one carryover to this blog was the fact that I referred to my family by cute nom de plumes which make absolutely no sense whatsoever to the new readers. So, from this point on you get the intimate knowledge of my family's first names.
CB1-Cave Boy 1 is Patrick, my oldest son. He's 19, has 2 lip rings and 1 tattoo which I believe he got purely for the joy of seeing raw horror on his mother's face when I saw them. Now I'm used to them and just laugh when he tries to eat a taco and not swallow a piece of metal. He lives across town in a cute 1 bedroom apartment that surprisingly looks fairly clean and even decorated.
CB2-Cave Boy 2 is Matthew, sometimes referred to as Matt Henry. He's 18, graduating from high school in 2 weeks and moving into his own apartment. Not to worry, he's living in the same student housing community I work at, so basically he hasn't gotten away from his mom yet. He's been living with my parents for the past 3 years and going to high school in a small town simply because the high schools here are abysmal.
PB-Punk Barbie is Shelby. My one and only daughter is 15 and the light of my heart. She's actually moving to a small town (see above) to attend high school. I'm saddened to let her go but I know it's the best thing for her. She'll only be an hour away so I still get to see all the stuff I would anyway, only this time there will actually BE a school play or concert to see rather than what passes for extra curriculars here.
Cave Baby-Jason is 3 and my miracle boy. He's recently potty trained (we are the family with the blonde crew cutted boy shrieking "mummy, I went poo poo in da potty!" in the middle of your quiet dinner in a fancy restaurant), still sleeps with his mommy and daddy and says he will until he grows up and gets married. He attends a Christian Montessori preschool and is generally a wild man learning some desperately needed social skills.
THG-that's John, my husband of 8 years. He's the yin to my yang, the cold to my hot, the butter and sour cream on my potato. I'm loud, he's quiet. I'm emotional, he's reserved. I yell, he plays dead. THG originally stood for "the hot guy, harassed guy, insert an H adjective here" but basically, he's just John.
Sara-Patrick's girlfriend. I never knew I could love a girl with stars tattooed behind her ears and fingernails 3 inches long painted with green and gold glitter paint, but God help me, I do. She's responsible, funny, caring and loves my Shelby beyond all reason. She's also in no real hurry to make me a grandmother which just proves how intelligent she is. She loves that nitwit Patrick and I crack up every time she calls him "Pattylicious".