I'm sick, so sick that I left work early today to fall in my bed and cry until a Nyquil induced coma carried me away.
Now I'm typing away in a medicinal hangover since my throat suddenly seizing up and feeling like hot daggers were hacking away at my ears woke me up.
Random tv and hallucinogenic musings:
Ellen DeGeneres is truly silly and funny. Love her.
Kristen Chenoweth might be my first girl crush ever.
Jack Blackalways needs a shower. Even when he just got out of the shower.
Dr Phil is weirdly attractive when I'm medicated.
It's impossible to see Tom Cruise from the good ol days (Days of Thunder) and not feel sad that he's such a freak now.
"Breathe from your hoo-hoo" is my new theme song. If you have no idea what that means, either you didn't see Ellen today or I need to be hospitalized.