Leanne over at The Helpful Housewife has a fantastic mom-she got presents from Stonewall Kitchen. I'm weak in the knees at this site. I need this
for our tailgate planned for the Dallas/Jacksonville game in September.
And this lavender bundle is so simple and so gorgeous!
They've got the barefoot contessa products. I can't imagine anything more decadent than this:
Anyone in my family reading this now knows where my new favorite place for presents it now-I think I like it even more than Sephora!
I love love LOVE Big Brother. It's the only thing that's made summer bearable for me for the last 6 years. Every July I start checking Morty's tv to see what the latest BB gossip is, and the first night there's all sorts of excitement, to see which houseguests I like, which ones I think will win and which one I want evicted first.
This year it's All Stars, people from the last 6 seasons all competing again for the prize. They have gross food competitions with the losers eating "slop" for a week and bizarre Head of Household comps to decide who gets the private bedroom and can nominate losers for eviction. It's high drama all wrapped up in the worst of reality tv and I'm too addicted to it.
This a great site for me right now, between jobs and having some down time I've been looking around at my casa and deciding how much I want to redecorate. John and I are going back and forth on whether to sell next year (our house has appreciated almost 100k in 8 years) or to just sit tight and remodel to our hearts' content. Then I was nosing around the domino website and found Be Jane, an all female DIY site.
Now, this isn't your typical HGTV stuff, here they have Projects bymood-now you know you're on a site for women when you can find a project according to where you are in your menstrual cycle. I love it-although I can think of a few more moods to add, like "my husband is a dick" mood or "my kids keep making a mess with their koolaid popsicles" mood or "Dennis Quaid will never marry me" mood.
Check it out-lemme know if you find some project you like, maybe I'll steal it from ya.
Well. Anyone that knows me knows that I've had my share of crazy over the last few years. From friends to playgroups to kids, I've seen and heard all sorts of stuff. This, however, is the penultimate of someone who needs to Get A Life.
Msscribe was an adult that loooooooooved her some Harry Potter. Loved it so much that she even wrote her own Harry Potter stories. There is a whole subculture of adults that are HP obsessed-which is a good thing for JK Rowling since adults have the cash to buy her books.
So, while this is a lengthy read into the excitement and drama of the HP fandom with all sorts of skullduggery like internet stalking, several different logins to fake people, false accusations of death all sorts of stuff. What is even more surprising than Msscribe spending so much of her time doing all this weird stuff is the people who spents days and days at the computer figuring out IPs and doing screen captures just to prove Msscribe was crazy, which if you have any intellect at all, you don't need proof, she's clearly batshitinsane to the rational person reading anything she writes.
Not that internet insanity is limited to people who read fantasy novels. One of my good blog friends has been harassed sheerly because she has some different beliefs than other bloggers. The drama in some SAHM internet groups is completely out of control. Is there a 12 step program anywhere yet for internet drama addicts?
So, myself and quite a few of my friends are "vintage housekeepers"-we love all things vintage, retro, frilly, shabby, funky etc. We love our families and our homes and like the finer things in life, like fresh flowers, laughing children in the backyard garden and in the case of my friend Alison,violet cremes.
Here is a place for our male soulmates. The Chap is a satirical magazine for men in our world that appreciate the art of being a gentleman. In their mainfesto they decry the fast food restaurants that have replaced their pubs and call on men to revolt by asking the chain coffee shop for a pot of Lapsang souchong, a cup and saucer and some toast with Gentleman’s Relish.
The Gift Shoppe has assorted things for the chap in your life, from books to monocles and cufflinks.
The entire philosophy can be summed up by Kevin Spacey: "I find it sad that by not talking about who I sleep with, that makes me mysterious. There was a time when I would have been called a gentleman.”
This is for Flossy-it's David's newest video pimping his Down Under Hasselhoff tour. If you've seen the video in the last post, you can see his youth, his exuberance at being in love, his huge white teeth. In this one, notice the oh tres cool Kitt car, the way his face is baby smooth but his neck looks like wadded up tissue paper. Oh, and the creepy pelvic thrust dancing. |
Ok, so my young son has found something in common with the stellar nation of Germany. Namely David Hasselhoff, the singer. Yes, I know that most of us know him as either Mr. Knightrider with the cool Kitt car or as a slightly creepy lifeguard on Baywatch. Apparently though, we have missed the best part of Davey boy-his singing.
Since I found this on youtube, Jason has done nothing but sing "I'm hooked on a feewin" and begged for "david on da compooter". Somehow, now I've become strangely enchanted with the vocal stylings of Msr. Hasselhoff and now the peppy "Hooked on a feeling".
So, please, enjoy this rendition of an easy listening song with an ooga chukka beat and take special notice of the "white boy dancing" he entertains us with. Make sure to pay attention to the astounding graphics work and the twee alien that pops up from time to time for no apparent reason.
Maybe next week I'll share his latest "Jump in my car" which will make you want to wash your brain out with Clorox.
These last few weeks have been trying, to say the least, as Casa Holly. I'm not going to dwell on the sad and upsetting, I want to talk about a wonderful woman named Jessica.
Ms Robyn,a lovely woman herself, organized a tea swap for anyone that wanted to just spread a little sunshine this summer. Luckily for me, she gave my name to Jessica. For anyone that doubts karma, fate or God's hand in our daily lives, on the exact day I so desperately needed that sunlight, I received that package from Jessica. She went so far above and beyond that I literally cried as I opened each carefully wrapped gift in the box.
Since I only have my camera phone now and that won't upload for some reason today, I'll have to just describe the goodies she sent me. A too adorable apron that looks scrumptious in my kitchen lying carefully "tossed" on the counter. A starched and scented linen napkin along with a silver tea ball-a tea wallet to carry with me and hold my tea bags so I'll never have to suffer in silence at Mimi's again with their imitation "tea". She also sent (knowing that sending chocolate to Florida in June is pure folly) vintage candies in a small mason jar-which Jason immediately spied and gobbled down before I could get even ONE! And the most precious to me, a handwritten card, full of friendliness and cheer, which is what I need so much now.
Jessica, your card and the caring you showed towards me, someone you've never met, means so much more than you can even imagine right now. The fact that you took the time to look at my Amazon wish list and order the exact book that I NEED right now speaks volumes about the fabulous woman you are.
I hope we grow into a long lasting friendship.
I miss her.